Photo Contest Submission (Deadline: December 15, 2024)
Calling all Jamestown residents! Do you have an eye for photography and a love for our beautiful town? Here’s your chance to share your vision of Jamestown’s future through your lens! We’re inviting residents of all ages to submit their best photos that capture the essence of Jamestown and the future you imagine for our community.
pHOTO CONTEST description
Scenic views of Jamestown’s landscapes, coastlines, and natural beauty.
Snapshots of community life – people, events, and activities that make our town unique.
Photos that reflect Jamestown’s history, heritage, and aspirations for the future.
High quality photos (preferably 300 dpi or higher).
Brief description of your photo and what it represents to you about Jamestown's future.
All photos MUST include the following file name structure for consideration: FirstnameLastName_LocationofPhoto_MonthYear (Ex. JohnDoe_JamestownRI_September2024)
First Place: Photo featured on Comprehensive Plan cover.
Other Winners: Photo(s) featured in various chapters throughout the upcoming Comprehensive Plan.
*All featured photographs will include full name and photograph credits.